We have display gardens and conservation products for homeowners and large scale contractors. Stop by and see us (look for the 60' windmill). We really enjoy working with you to develop the right mix of plants, products and advice to ensure your project's success….everytime!

The Prairie and Wetland Center is a great resource. The location is convenient and the plant selection is awesome! We've also used their expertise in our restoration projects.
- Dick Cooper
Director of Facilities and Construction
Church of the Resurrection
Director of Facilities and Construction
Church of the Resurrection

Chrysopsis villosum
Shrub-like perennial with hairy grey-green foliage topped with disks of ray flowers. Drought resistant and typically found >>>

Coreopsis palmata
Soft yellow, daisy-like flowers on stiff upright stems bloom from late spring to mid-summer. Prairie Coreopsis makes a good >>>

Available in 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon.
Weedestroy® AM-40 is a selective herbicide for control of many >>>