Agrostis alba
Redtop is a creeping perennial, related to the bentgrasses. It is now found over much of the northern United States, although it originally came from Europe. The stems are slender with narrow leaves, about 1/4 inch wide. The panicle is loose and pyramidal in shape; its reddish color gives the grass its common name. Redtop is used in pasture mixes under humid conditions but is low in palatability.
Additional Information:
Height -24 Inches
Spread - Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone 3-8
Home Owner Growing and Maintenance Tips:
A sod forming species that develops rapidly from seed and establishes well in moist soils, along roadsides and on open ground. It is often used for erosion control until slower-growing grasses become established. It is rarely seeded alone.
Characteristics & Attributes
Hydrologic Designation
Season of Interest
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
USFS MO Ecological Map