Polytaenia nuttallii
Nuttall's Prairie Parsley
Erect, stout stems are one to three feet in height. Alternate leaves are pinnately compound on stalks one to six inches long. Loose, somewhat rounded compound umbel-shaped flowers are up to three inches across, with six to 12 rays that are about two inches long.
Additional Information:
Height 18-24 Inches
Spread 24-36 Inches
Bloom/Seasonal Color Soft Yellow
USDA Hardiness Zone 5-6
Home Owner Growing and Maintenance Tips:
Characteristics & Attributes
Hydrologic Designation
Nature Attracting
Season of Interest
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Late (July-frost) |
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Mid (May-June) |
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
USFS MO Ecological Map
Wildlife Benefit
Printed from www.CritSite.com. Copyright CritSite . 16245 S. 71 Highway, Belton, MO 64012 (816) 331-9738.