Eupatorium maculatum
Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
Spotted Joe-Pye Weed is a coarse, clumping perennial with a whorled leaf arrangement bearing 3-6 lanceolate leaves at each node. The plant's name comes from its characteristic dark purple spots on its stems, though sometimes the stems are solid dark purple. Like the other Eupatoriums, this is a butterfly magnet and does well in moist to wet sites.
Additional Information:
Height 4-6 Feet
Spread 2-3 Feet
Bloom/Seasonal Color Lavender
USDA Hardiness Zone 5-9
Home Owner Growing and Maintenance Tips:
A great choice for a butterfly rain garden. When massed, the lightly fragrant lavender flower heads make a showy display.
Characteristics & Attributes
Hydrologic Designation
Nature Attracting
Season of Interest
Soil Moisture
Special Uses
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Fragrant |
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Fresh Cut Flower |
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Bog |
Sun Exposure
USFS MO Ecological Map
Wildlife Benefit
Printed from Copyright CritSite . 16245 S. 71 Highway, Belton, MO 64012 (816) 331-9738.