Salix petiolaris
Meadow Willow
Clumped or few-stemmed shrub with reddish-brown to dark brown or almost black limbs. Branches are spreading to erect, yellowish-green to dark brown. Leaves are dark green above, white-glaucous beneath, hairy when young, becoming smooth with age. The leaves are narrowly lance-shaped and serrated. Catkins emerge with the leaves; flowers in May and fruits follow in June. Found in wet meadows, along stream banks and shores and other wet places.
Additional Information:
Height 8-10 Feet
Spread 6-8 Feet
USDA Hardiness Zone 2-7
Home Owner Growing and Maintenance Tips:
Characteristics & Attributes
Hydrologic Designation
Season of Interest
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
USFS MO Ecological Map
Wildlife Benefit
Printed from Copyright CritSite . 16245 S. 71 Highway, Belton, MO 64012 (816) 331-9738.